Reiki Miracles: Our Journey to Establish a New Reiki Center in Kyoto
  • Post by: Muniqui Muhammad
  • Date: 02-06-2024

Pic: Lena and Muniqui standing in front of Kinkakuji (The Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto, one day after completing Holy Fire® II Karuna Reiki® Master Training in 2017. This picture has taken on new meaning. Details below

 "Stay ready so you don't have to get ready" and "The longer it takes for your desire to manifest, the more fit the recipients of manifestation will be." These quotes capture what Lena and I have been experiencing over the past few months. I've tried to write to you since December to tell you about it. My phone and computer are full of drafts that never quite felt ready to publish.

It's not that I had writer's block. In fact, I've been in a good space when it comes to writing. It's something I've wanted to do all my life, and it's finally happening. But I just couldn't finish an article to share with you all.

Has that ever happened to you? You have the desire to do something, and even though your will and planning are there, it seems like another force overrides them. Meanwhile, irritation and frustration set in. You begin to doubt yourself, as I have, and wonder, "What's wrong with me?” It's not difficult to communicate with our friends and family. I've been itching to share with you, our Healing Land Reiki family, for a long time.

Finally, we can share news on a project we've been working on for a while now. It manifested unexpectedly at the end of March 2024. I know I've mentioned "big news" and "things cooking and baking" several times. Each time I said it, I wasn’t exaggerating, but it was premature to give the details. There were circumstances outside our control that led to delays in sharing certain information. The January 1st earthquake and tsunami that struck western Japan brought back painful memories for both Lena and me. We had to use a lot of Reiki and receive a lot of care to work through it.

Additionally, several opportunities came for Lena to work in an international environment. These opportunities required her to focus all her mental and emotional strength, plus Reiki, to fulfill the assignments. I had to add my strength and skills to support her work. The nature of the work was so intense that it took a few special Reiki sessions for us to recover.

That's where we've been, and we appreciate your patience with us.

But onto the news.

Healing Land Reiki was established in 2016 in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, where Lena and I met and live. We started here, doing our utmost to contribute to the health and wellness of the world from our base. At the end of March 2024, we went to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan and the birthplace of Usui Reiki, to teach a Reiki class. While we were there, an opportunity arose to secure a location to expand our services. It must've been a divine appointment because the second location we saw had the right vibration, and the location was wonderful. We decided to go through the process of securing it as our new location.

Upon returning to Sendai, it has been a whirlwind of paperwork, transfers, background checks, and a lot of packing. But we are pleased to announce that as of April 17, 2024, Healing Land Reiki has opened our second branch in Kyoto, Japan! This location is more accessible to international travelers as it is close to Kansai International Airport, the second most important gateway to Japan, and there are two more airports in this area.

In addition, Kyoto is a well-traveled tourist destination. The city is rich in Japanese history and has many well-preserved ancient temples and castles. Anyone who wants to get a deep immersion into the culture of Japan should visit Kyoto. You will be glad that you did.

I have to be honest with you. If you ever want to see The Reiki Source in action, you must visit The Healing Land Reiki Center in Kyoto. I have never seen a place go from empty to "open for business" as fast as Reiki moved Lena to do it. When I say Reiki worked a miracle through her, I am not exaggerating. Every carpet, towel, spoon, dish, table, chair—Reiki moved Lena to get it and put it in its place so fast that I was astonished. She even made the curtains in every room!

So, have you ever wanted to take Reiki training in Japan? Do you want to have a Reiki session while traveling through, or are you an experienced Reiki practitioner wanting to walk the path that Mikao Usui Sensei walked? Regardless of your reason, now there is a dedicated English-speaking Reiki Center at the heart of Reiki's birthplace you can visit. Come visit us and enjoy coffee brewed from freshly roasted beans, less than two minutes from the Healing Land Reiki Center.

We are easily accessible from Kyoto Station and, as an added bonus, located near a bus and train line that goes directly to Mt. Kurama.

Google “Healing Land Reiki” to find our location or simply type “Kyoto Labyrinth” in Google Maps!

We appreciate your patience while we have been restructuring and we are excited to see you in Kyoto!
