Healing Land Reiki's Expansion to Kyoto Pt. 2: A Journey of Challenges and Growth
  • Post by: Muniqui Muhammad
  • Date: 30-07-2024

After announcing Healing Land Reiki had expanded to Kyoto, Japan, we received many warm letters and well wishes from our HLR family. The outpouring of positive energy was touching.

The wave of Love and support felt great, especially when we were able to teach our first students and provide Reiki sessions in the new center.

Then life started to happen. Unforeseen circumstances caused certain projects to be delayed. Then intense construction started to occur outside of our center that we had no control over. We certainly couldn’t have Reiki Training and Sessions designed to bring people to peace and harmony, with the sound of cranes, workmen, and steel cutting taking place outside of the window. I couldn’t put as much energy into the Reiki as I wanted and started to lose the momentum that had been propelling us forward.

And with that, the cycle of life continues. There are times when we have felt like flowers in bloom and there are times when we feel like we are in the middle of the Sahara desert searching for water.

Despite the challenges, we kept our focus on the bigger picture. We began to realize that these obstacles were opportunities for our growth and learning. It took time but we accepted the idea that every setback was a setup for a comeback. We took deep breaths, did Reiki on each other, and continued to spread positive energy. We have been using the downtime to strengthen our foundation, reconnect with our inner selves, and refine our practices.

One of the more rewarding experiences was when we held our first Reiki training classes in the new Kyoto center. The energy in the room felt wonderful, and the students departed feeling more connected to their authentic selves and inspired. It was a reminder of why we embarked on this journey in the first place - to share the healing power of Reiki with as many people as possible.

We have also started planning special events and retreats, such as our upcoming Reiki retreat at Mt. Kurama. This special place, the birthplace of Usui Reiki, offers a peaceful and powerful environment for deepening our connection to The Universal Life Force. We are excited to invite participants through a transformative experience, blending the tranquility of nature with the healing energy of Reiki.

In reflecting on our journey, we are reminded of the importance of being flexible and adaptable. Life's cycles may bring challenges but also growth and renewal. We are grateful for each experience, knowing that they contribute to our personal and collective evolution.

To all our dear friends, students, and supporters, thank you for being a part of our journey. We feel your support, encouragement, and Reiki. We are excited about all the moments of healing, sharing,  learning, and growing together.

May the light of Reiki continue to shine on you.

Warm Greetings,

Healing Land Reiki